A Whimsical Trip - The Perverts and The Misfit

100 steps... or is it 99? Is it just a red straw hat, or is it a red string of destiny?

A Whimsical Trip on Kimagure Orange Road

The Red Straw Hat / Kimagure Orange Road (kana)

The Perverts

Komatsu Seiji and Hatta Kazuya
Nanba Keiichi and Tatsuta Naoki

Two of Kyousuke's new classmates who can be counted on to complicate his life are Komatsu and Hatta, two self-proclaimed hentai - girl-chasing, nudie-magazine-reading, panty-stealing perverts. They're usually quite harmless, but they do tend to start embarrassing rumors about Kyousuke, usually involving Hikaru. This usually gets him in hot water with Madoka, whom Komatsu and Hatta still regard as a delinquent, unaware of Kyousuke's feelings for her.

It doesn't help Kyousuke's feelings that they've also taken a liking to his little sisters, either.

The Misfit

Hino Yusaku

Seiyuu: Kikuchi Masami

Yusaku was a childhood friend of Hikaru and Madoka, and has had a crush on Hikaru for years. Unfortunately, Yusaku was never as strong or courageous as either of them, and so Hikaru never took him seriously. One day he asked Hikaru to marry him and she said (jokingly) if he became strong and self-assured, she would.

From that day Yusaku trained hard in martial arts, with the goal of winning Hikaru. Years later, however, when he sees present-day Hikaru lavishing affection on Kyousuke one day, he becomes infuriated. He follows Kyousuke and sees him talking to other girls - first to Madoka, then to Kurumi and Manami! This gives Yusaku the mistaken impression that Kyousuke is a real playboy with the ladies. He takes Kyousuke aside and tells him of his intentions for Hikaru, and demonstrates his sincerety by demolishing a door with one hand. From then on Kyousuke has the unenviable task of trying to convince Yu-kun that he doesn't have designs on Hikaru, while trying to protect her feelings and not hurt his relationship with Madoka.

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